Episode 23

From Micro to Macro and Back Again: 20th Century Brewing

Gary Arndt, Allison McCoy, and Joel Hermensen delve into the history and evolution of American brewing from the Prohibition era to the present-day craft beer movement. They note the ebb and flow of macro/micro brewing, highlighting the biggest names in both.


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00:00 Introduction and Hosts

00:47 Prohibition and Its Aftermath

01:31 World War II and Beer Consolidation

03:10 Post-War Beer Culture

04:27 Regional Breweries and Advertising

06:16 The Rise of Craft Beer

16:29 Homebrewing Revolution

23:03 Modern Craft Beer Industry

25:43 Conclusion and Community




Bobby Fleshman

Allison McCoy-Fleshman

Gary Ardnt

Music by Sarah Lynn Huss

Recorded & Produced by David Kalsow

Brought to you by McFleshman's Brewing Co

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Respecting the Beer
Respecting the Beer
A podcast for the science, history, and love of beer